All Employers May Be Subject To An Injured Worker Claim

September 1, 2015

Not all companies have the same view when it comes to maintaining safety in the workplace in California. Some companies have become known for their emphasis on creating a safe work environment. Mortenson Construction has been one of these companies known for going above and beyond in promoting a work culture that values safety. However, as the construction firm found out, even adherence to safety precautions does not always prevent a possible accident, which can result in an injured worker claim.

The construction firm is recognized within the industry for its safety culture. Mortenson’s company policy requires workers to cross the street at designated crosswalks while working on site. Company policy also requires workers to refrain from crossing against traffic lights. However, it turns out that at its latest construction project, the company has experienced a fatal accident.

The incident occurred at a stadium construction site one morning in late August. At approximately 7:45 a.m. one worker from the construction firm and another employee from Berwald Roofing had been working on a roofing installation project when they somehow ended up falling around 50 feet to the ground. The worker from Mortenson ended up dying from injuries sustained in the fall while the other worker remains hospitalized in stable condition.

Now Berwald may be facing an injured worker claim, and Mortenson may be cited for work safety violations. If work safety officials do decide to issue citations, the company may want to take legal action to challenge the citations. Also, employer defense can also help a company minimize workers’ compensation liability in California.

Source:, “Killing Field: One Worker Killed, Another Injured in Falls from New Vikings Stadium Roof“, Sandy Smith, August 27, 2015

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