California employers in any industry must be aware of the work environment, for the safety of workers and for the benefit of the business. This can help a business become more efficient and profitable. It’s also essential to maintain safety standards in the workplace, especially at a construction site. This can help prevent workplace injury and an OSHA investigation.
A recent construction accident occurred in Petaluma and caused the death of a 28-year-old man. The incident occurred in the morning in mid-April after the worker was hit by a pipe at a construction site. A victim is a 28-year-old man who was crushed by the 8,000-pound pipe. The accident happened close to Highway 101 at approximately 7:16 a.m., according to reports released to the public.
An engineering firm, Maggiora & Ghilotti, had apparently contracted the crew for the construction site. Investigators are now examining the incident in order to determine what may have caused the accident. There have yet to be any citations issued by OSHA for possible safety violations, and this type of investigation typically takes up to six months to complete.
The employer will surely be focused on following the progress of the OSHA investigation and awaiting the results. Any findings of safety violations can be quite damaging to a California company. In many cases, it may make sense to challenge any citations issued by OSHA by taking the appropriate legal steps to do so. Under any circumstances, the failure to maintain a safe working environment can result in serious accidents, ongoing investigations, and oversight management.
Source:, “Worker killed in Petaluma construction accident“, Evan Sernoffsky, April 15, 2015
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