Work Safety Citations: Employer Defense Answer | Sacks Law Group
As of now, there have yet to be any reports of safety violations uncovered by authorities. However, the police are currently continuing their investigation. Just like with any fatal workplace accident in California, it is likely that work safety officials will also be joining the investigation, which could mean citations being issued against the company.
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Employer Defense Can Be An Answer To Work Safety Citations

October 20, 2015
Sacks Law Group, APC
Workers' Compensation Defense

It is definitely not a good thing for an employer to be investigated by authorities following a workplace accident. If authorities discover any safety violations, it could result in serious financial consequences for an employer in California. An employer defense strategy may be needed if citations are issued against the employer.

One employer may be worried about receiving such a citation following a recent workplace accident that resulted in one death. The incident happened one evening in mid-October when a large steel beam had fallen on top of a worker. Rescue crews had been alerted to the incident at approximately 8:15 p.m. They arrived on the scene at ARC Electrostatic Painting to find the man trapped underneath the steel object.

Rescue workers attempted to rescue the man. Upon arrival at the scene, firefighters used airbags and other items to lift the steel object. The worker had reportedly been sandblasting just prior to the fatal incident occurring. The worker, whose name has not yet been released, was 43 years old and was pronounced deceased at the scene by authorities.

As of now, there have yet to be any reports of safety violations uncovered by authorities. However, the police are currently continuing their investigation. Just like with any fatal workplace accident in California, it is likely that work safety officials will also be joining the investigation, which could mean citations being issued against the company. This is why it may be a good idea for the employer to begin thinking about an employer defense strategy.

Source:, “Auburn Police investigate deadly workplace accident“, Oct. 16, 2015

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