What Is A Fraudulent Workers’ Compensation Claim
A fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is one that is filed when the employee filing it has no legitimate need for the benefits they are requesting and does not actually meet the criteria for receiving those benefits. Fraud typically involves some form of deception on the part of the person committing it, and workers’ compensation fraud is no different.
Fraud Comes In Many Forms
Fraud can be committed in various ways. Some examples of fraudulent worker’s compensation claims can include:
- An employee who is uninjured fakes injury in order to receive benefits.
- An employee was injured at home who comes into work the next day and pretends the injury occurred on the job in order to make a claim for benefits.
- An employee was injured on the job, but the injury came about due to willful self-injury in order to gain benefits.
- An employee was injured on the job, but they exaggerated the extent of the injury in order to get access to more cash benefits.
Fraudulent Claims Hurt Employers
Although workers’ compensation insurance is immensely helpful to both businesses and employees when employees file fraudulent claims they can cause problems for their employers. Insurance premiums may accelerate after the filing of a claim, leaving you paying even more annually because someone wanted to game the system.
Criminal And Civil Penalties Apply To Workers’ Compensation Fraud
Fraudulent claims are not only bad for businesses, they are illegal and may be penalized harshly by the courts if their fraudulent nature is proven. Steep fines and even incarceration are possible penalties that people making fraudulent workers’ compensation claims could face. We can help you pursue justice if you are an employer who suspects an employee who filed a fraudulent claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
Sacks Law Group, APC Can Help You Fight Workers’ Compensation Fraud
If your employee filed a fraudulent claim and you need a workers’ compensation fraud defense attorney in Long Beach—or anywhere else in southern California—contact us today for a consultation. Our knowledgeable attorneys have the experience and skill to fight back against fraud, and we have helped our employer clients put dishonest employees behind bars. Fraudulent claims hurt businesses, taking cash out of your pocket and putting it into the hands of someone who is not legally entitled to have it. Call today to get a head start on fighting fraudulent claims.
Providing expert defense against fraudulent and frivolous workers’ compensation claims.
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READ THE REVIEWSEmployers Workers' Compensation Defense
The workers’ compensation defense attorneys at our firm know how to build a strong wall of defense around employers, protecting California employers from frivolous and fraudulent workers’ compensation claims. Sacks Law Group, APC, is skilled at working with in-state and out-of-state employers on all workers’ compensation defense issues, particularly in the areas of:
Prior to any alleged injury or accident, we also counsel employers on ways to stay compliant with the ever-evolving California workers’ compensation laws. California employers benefit from our extensive experience and strong credentials when dealing with employee workers’ compensation fraud, as well as allegations of employer workers’ compensation fraud.