What is Covered by Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation covers almost all work-related injuries and illnesses. Doctor’s visits, hospital stays, surgeries, or other medical procedures all fall under workers’ compensation. Some states provide additional coverage for other kinds of treatments, but there are often limits. It is the responsibility of the insurance agencies to authorize or approve the treatment that a medical professional has recommended.
Medical benefits become available once the employer’s insurance company accepts the claim. Insurance companies will pay medical providers directly, so the injured employee shouldn’t get billed for doctor visits.
Medical treatment might be covered, during which the insurance company is deciding if they should accept or deny the claim. Some states require insurance companies to pay up to $10,000 in medical expenses while investigating the case simultaneously. Should the insurer deny the claim, the victim will not be held accountable to pay for any medical bills while the claim is pending.
What is Workers’ Compensation Arbitration for the Employer
Arbitration is a popular method of dispute resolution used in the business world because it occurs outside of the court system. It allows the parties to reach an agreement on any topic, in this case, workers’ compensation benefits, with the assistance of their attorneys and a third-party arbitrator.
During the arbitration, each party will have the opportunity to present their case, including testimony and evidence. If necessary, the arbitrator will schedule additional meetings with one or both parties to submit additional evidence.
Once both parties have pleaded their case, the arbitrator will review the testimony and evidence presented in order to make a decision. The decision made by the arbitrator is binding, which means that a lawsuit can be filed if either party fails to abide by the decision. It can be difficult to appeal a decision made during arbitration, but not impossible.
The Importance of Hiring a Van Nuys Workers’ Compensation Coverage Issues & Arbitration Attorney
As an employer, you might legitimately want your employees to recover the workers’ compensation benefits for which they are eligible if they are harmed on the job or if they develop medical conditions as a result of exposure to hazards in the workplace.
You might also understand that some employees who file claims for workers’ compensation benefits are not genuinely entitled to receive them.
A worker might not be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if they were injured:
- While they were off the clock
- As a result of engaging in horseplay
- As a result of being intoxicated
- Because they were intentionally trying to injure themselves, perhaps because they were hoping for a payout
There might be times when you are justified in denying an employee’s workers’ compensation claim. Doing so can prevent an employee from unfairly taking advantage of a system.
It can also be a wise financial decision. Typically, the more often employees successfully file workers’ compensation claims and recover benefits, the more your insurance premiums will rise. While you shouldn’t deny a valid claim simply to save money, you also shouldn’t allow a claim to proceed if you have good reason to believe the employee who filed it does not actually deserve workers’ compensation benefits.
The case may go to arbitration if you deny a claim and an employee disputes your decision. When this happens, strongly consider enlisting the help of experienced professionals. The team at our Van Nuys workers’ compensation coverage issues and arbitration law firm can help you by:
- Conducting a thorough investigation to gather evidence showing that you had a valid reason to deny a claim
- If necessary, monitoring an employee’s activities to identify signs that they may be exaggerating the severity of their injuries
- Walking you through every step of the arbitration process so that you may focus on other important responsibilities
How a Van Nuys’ Workers’ Compensation Coverage Issues Attorney Protects You & Your Business
Generally, a qualified Van Nuys workers’ compensation coverage issues lawyer can also assist you in various ways if there are ever circumstances in which it appears you may not be offering sufficient coverage to your employees.
In California, virtually every single employer must purchase workers’ compensation insurance. If you do not purchase workers’ compensation insurance and an employee is injured on the job, you may be the target of a claim or lawsuit. This can have serious financial repercussions for your business. Additionally, some employers may face criminal penalties for not having proper workers’ compensation coverage.
This does not need to happen to you. At our Van Nuys workers’ compensation coverage issues firm, we offer such services as:
- Risk minimization counseling
- General uninsured employer advising
- Self-insured employer counseling
- Case resolution
Coverage issues can threaten your livelihood and your company. We will work hard to protect you in these circumstances.
Speak With an Attorney Today
At Sacks Law Group, APC, we know that your employees can refuse to file a claim for a workplace injury and even refuse to get medically examined. Our team of workers’ compensation attorneys is here to answer your questions about coverage issues and arbitration so you are prepared if and when an employee is injured on the job. Do not settle for less than what you deserve. Contact the Van Nuys workers’ compensation coverage issues & arbitration attorney today to protect your company. Call our office at 310-216-7778 to schedule a consultation.
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READ THE REVIEWSEmployers Workers' Compensation Defense
The workers’ compensation defense attorneys at our firm know how to build a strong wall of defense around employers, protecting California employers from frivolous and fraudulent workers’ compensation claims. Sacks Law Group, APC, is skilled at working with in-state and out-of-state employers on all workers’ compensation defense issues, particularly in the areas of:
Prior to any alleged injury or accident, we also counsel employers on ways to stay compliant with the ever-evolving California workers’ compensation laws. California employers benefit from our extensive experience and strong credentials when dealing with employee workers’ compensation fraud, as well as allegations of employer workers’ compensation fraud.