Particularly In California, Workers' Comp Claims Are A Threat
A fraudulent claim can cost a business money, even its overall success. Work with a lawyer who can help defend your company from fraud as soon as you suspect a possible problem.
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Particularly In California, Workers’ Comp Claims Are A Threat

November 30, 2016
Sacks Law Group, APC
Workers' Compensation Defense

As the recent election proved and as others have proven in the past, states are entities with minds of their own. So when there is a seemingly national trend, there are still those states that stand out as different and notable in regard to certain matters. California tends to stand out for various reasons.

In terms of what is relevant to this workers compensation fraud defense blog, it is noteworthy to point out how California strays from the nation’s recent workers’ comp trends. Reports show that while there has been a decline in the number of claims filed in the country in recent years, here in California, the reality is different.

While reports indicate that the rate of worker injury and illness claims have gone down in the state alone, the state’s numbers still are bigger than in the majority of the U.S. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that while the country saw about an 11 percent decline in claims between 2010 and 2014, there was a 3 percent increase in California’s rate.

Sources have a couple of theories as to why claims have increased here. They both involve hiring trends in the state. Basically, if more people are hired to work in higher-risk jobs in California versus in other states, the rate of claims might be higher. Also, less experienced workers tend to sustain more injury or illness.

Employers might want to keep in mind, too, that more claims might also indicate a chance of workers’ compensation fraud within the state. A fraudulent claim can cost a business money, even its overall success. Work with a lawyer who can help defend your company from fraud as soon as you suspect a possible problem.

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